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["Katto Gilehri" Miley Naa Miley Hum | Feat. Shweta Tiwari, Chirag ...](^3^)


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1THE EVENING WoliLD, T tfWDAY, APB I L 20, 1920EST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORKJOE STECHER, CHAMPION - : : By Thornton FisherCopyright, 1920, by tho Tren Publishing Co, (Tho New York Evenlnir World).s;?nty of Good Marathon TimberJncovered in Classic Race inBoston.r-T"cema to bo fitting that a nativeIf Of MamttinnDHVUIU Willj tlio Marathon run la Boston yesflay. This season's running of thouml Patriots' lav clnln Ten M t)iAiSS4?1 test for tho selection of theB. A. 0 representatives In thftftfathoa next summer at Antwerp.j, winner or the event was PctnrKmvonlldas, a resident of this city,jraraiougti "U'l a Greeclan subject. HisiSvfJ1!!1 mtes slower thanlIvS but..f?.t conlderlnff theft at Uio athletes ran against ai?J'.Sco?rl,,Jp.Jtnwn ln "Portingjrejes the Marathon run -..iKWhen tho soldier P4irldlnr,1 rantho plains of Marathon inhCnS. a dlstATUn ttiravuntwenty.stx miles, 385 yards, ln orderJ." "i important military os-5!5Tt 1i.wh0 dronnc dwl as he: ntrlsbed Tils race. The winner of thoMarathon, from AshliLml in1 yesterday, began hlOr OVCr the COUrsR mfwln hnni.jiastho world's military history.I Burly In the race tho Greek layJtack, saving his strength. Arthur V.a or, mo Dorchester Club, whotl'tTio event In 101c nuggty' athletes until two miles or somu uio union; tnea too Greek wont.tho front.aUDOn belnr lntotnHmxrn n 4VAschialon of the FllCO TrlVnil II fin a art rf ii'ttmt on Thursday he would oddIvISjero for his flrst citlrenshlp papers.! uTtui.iuiio ycara, oia ana has("bUBn In this country three years.i hi was ncconu, uari under ofJumcv, third; William V1ck of theno piace, lounn; Edward H.hlto Of Ifolv PrnH T.wiim VM?j3rork, fifth; Itobert Conboy of Buf-ywo. nixm; tranK linna or Newark, -Iiwvenui ana vuxion jmLcmeu or New(York, eighth, tho last of tho by tho timber uncovered.In tho event nt rtostrm th tr. n Aijwon't need to fear tho best of theanners in tho old world when tholarathon Is oonductod ln Belarlum.:-.HE Dodgers appear to bp ploy-U.1 lng tho 'most consistent bollof the three local clubs. ThoTardea were, badly whipped In Bos.tort; yesterday, losing two games.wtiho uio uianis bjio. uoagora ware' both winning, here. But the Grants'Victory was not as Impresaivo as thatscored by tho Brooklynites.,L, Followers of the Yanks are conHdCTit that with the cotnlntr of warmhi weather tho vets of this team will boaxna to do themselves Justlco and"llSial tho team will be a consistentwinner., mm iSOiGOTIUNG la expected to breakat Albany to-night regarding'. - fcoxing-. There are orae wnoh think Uiat the Walker bill will beroinrht out and voted on bv theKABsemblv while there Is a atronc inv' hrouffht up for consideration and3;thtU it will be passed by bothXTT- . v...i..vcfepyftxdT is rooting for the sportib ' lKPlbw to, vResrLe r Joe to bpM- cVm&mSS&x. Yi rMTwjvT cvTv; S-P .sokes bvWH&,l5MBtl,.. ' Wit v-7S.l . .1, mxn JM kJtf r-tSJP-' ? .Giants at Last Win,But at That They OnlyBeat Phillies by One RunNew York Club, Although Manager Mc'Graw Was Not in Evidence, Score Their First Victory of the Season, Jess JamesDoing the -Twirling.By Charles Somervllle.SOUND the tocslnt ring tho bells, blow tho horns, bang the cymbals,tootthe whistles, play tho organ and let the antheni ring!Unto tho Giants at tho Polo Grounds yesterday (I don't knowwhat beoamo of McGraw, not seeing him ln or out of the dugout or anywhere clso any Umo on tho -premises during tho important event) wasborn tho first Victory of tho season.Kid Two-to-Ono. No, you could hardly call It a bouncing baby boy.Dut It certainly was a plcasuro to sco him dandling on tho score board.And It has to bo admitted that at no time until the conclusion ot the ninthInning was ho other than a delicato child. There wasn't a second frori thotime ho got his flrst breath lu tho third Inning until the end of tho l'hilliM'ninth when ho didn'b always seem In danger of falling oft the score boardand cracking his conk and abralslng his snoot. But old Kid Two-to-Onomanaged to stick up there on tbe scoro board as the llnnl tally, a,nd wo allleft tho Polo Grounds feeling line. And theso of us who 'knw places"right afterward felt even better than thatJoe 5teckep-,the nebpasa,rAWHE-P-f who hs becomeTHEIVtoMjis GREAtESV- V(W5SHERJStecher Developed "Scissors Hold"By Breaking Boxes With His LegsUnder "Farmer" Burns's Tuition He Acquired Abilityto Split Sack of Grain.yBy Thornton Fisher.OB STECHHR lias a AdBSors holdon too. hoavywelKbt wrestlingchampionship. Thoro Is nonehis rtgfrt to dispute. Opinions maydiffer aa to bis superiority or lackof It over tho great Gotch, but therecent oonslstont acMevexnents ottho Dodgo (Neto.) farmer boy proclaim him Che most sensational trappier on tho mat to-day. At twontyeovon Joo has mot ami defeatedevery "logical" contender for thetltlo, and tho present field of material seems to Indicate that ho willbold It until Aunt Emma's pup leurnsto play tho piano. 'Zbyszko, Cod dock. Lowls, Cutler,Americas, Holler ,an& ttye "MaskedMarvel" (Mort Henderson) have eachneon caught fn thoso powerful Stechertentacles at one time or another andsqueezed into submission. Caddock,wtth hln million holds; Hbyszlto andmiwu, wun tneir superhumani$S,933 in Week Is Nice Moneyfor Eddie Fitzsimmons, Local Boyball.,Hisf Bout With Ray TempleCDrew Receipts Amountingto 7,100.a life tvt nf (S00 that Tutor a" OKIaSoaivnt ISarm cc ur bij Intie world to to lis rtmrldt,Oam&oa Mlkf O'Dowl In idpint xv for in.oUht boat la ltilluMpM on MonUj tnntrt,Amu 29. MitsbsuUcr ITbhIoii hu nnt wkvtrdMSbeV oivonrnt u vt, tut h txpveta to Andnd mm forMm to lew itft. O'DoM laTrn rcpolw tti 'ttM boxlnc tan oi rtUUdeljUt,m tiU (Kbtlss tut plcaadl ttwm raa mooh.By John Pollock.rSddlo Fltnalmmons, the promlaincNow York lightweight, Is another local "battler who Is making plenty oftnoncv out of tho boxlnc ramo now,nljti" fought twloo lu the Woat last lb JoUmj Dlr fur wDA nutLweMi and drew down tho nlco sum of Ifr C. aty. Awn :o t..J,9J3 for his end. He received J2.1SJfor" beating Ray Toraple, tho Minneapolis fighter, at "Minneapolis on Friday night, nnd for outpointing Cal'l?aney ot Cleveland at Canton, O.,i t li ,1 nmintiti tn 1 firm n'v, ...cejpta of tho FitzslmmonB-Templo'right amounted to over J7.100 and thoI'Pltzslmmons-Delaney scrap to JO, M0.Jrfmnr Outer. tl Knror flchtcr of lh TT. 8.S. Kua, m vtcnnl t for tiirro nchta br bitAt thtackliSurprt Ooba, tha Ikflkli tour, far titbt ruuaJat JlrMtfport, mi Airil SO b buiea YuanAiKdo titvofoid, Oom.Ok AadcKMa, ) OdforaU hnrrwifctit.and Joo Cox, tho rwairwalcbt. fomuiir o(Sort ncO til, Qlo.. tnt now of nrooWjn, tenbeen nuirfxrl to atw. iaa-th tw boat ofeltfht rounde at tt opeoli baiint Mioof tli ltarooM U. (X. t tne Orw-nrtto.tarmmt 1'ark. on .April 27. tant M.kvier, the vent atde filter, meeta aom cuodlitfibmUiA ln Hit atau-tlual of rltSit rotjikla.On arormnt of Uutr CoIUd rtaJmtnc that hU alnk and vtU not U able to lu Jaok "Kkl"WoSr. Uw CleKlind bantamiretdit, U tli 8in-cuo Oltr A, O, of fljTaciw. wN. T!.. to-nlM,Matcfunalder Jack lmu Ina alarnod un Criartylimner, the loral lianUin, to aari Wolte,ltenutiar cola a guaracrfm of $bOO, widi aa outioaof IS vrr cent, of tin nroHitt,IWn f)tim In (1m WeHt am now dlcf riim tatMorrm. maoatw of claunrrfun Jak Brittim. I Mj nrouond boiit betweoa Car Tumor. Uhe.taunt ttu tH adtam-e anle of tklo-ta for the Indian lielit-bmrnitlchi. and Tom ntntiona. ofi .twT round bout betwom llriUou and Jock St. l'mL llxmt duha are at MluncapuUa and1'sr.t. rJ P.,,l M. ..),.. Mv. 1 I.t . . . . . . . . . . . . H.liHtt hu alrwdr readied tl ID.ttIO Bark. li Cameroa are aoiloiai to book tlx lu uxu are bli faroralM In bot of tboaCMt. ITbc writer Iramed tdar that Johnny Pondren offered a cMtraateo of fZ.SOO to bur WilliJarkaoa a tMJro-rnnnd bout at th Munrtamm'CJ ii of Nnark. N. J on liar 0. but tVWinetthe nuaraniee. atatlnc that 1 woiUtl eooncr Non a pcrwilas basU, aa be fluxed be wouldut mure mouey thaa tue sturanu'e.Oal rWanrr. tlie CtmWand llrfalwrlaht. whovia abaded by XXtdte MtiikmiKua. (he Utl(.tlu. lu a bJJt at OanUm, Otuo. Wt u,haa Uxn bouknt up t UU tninazrr. Janmylhron of Suolud. to innt llirlj. thaIwialile Dane, ln tra-rouod bout at li Sloliu-i,oa, bwilfht, IHUntr lu Imsnned aluoPuns took Urn ln ditrge.JiramT WHde. the flrwrkbt cbamrUira of theWll, added anotbrr fe.BOO to hla bi earnlnaalnce be hM been tn thu counU7 by ont-f poiiittrf "Zulu Kid." riu faat ctUe buitem-i wnzni w Jwwjfl, tn a im rouiu uout at,Wldaor. Canada, laat Monday nllht. Tin trrtwrecaipU were ow pat.OOO and Y1U cut tb.ooe hwwmvdcu piaraaw. .u. u iuu lot(uaraotee of f..CU0 for Iria end.Ulka ItcKlniiM. num, of lli lrKlr,nr Af: C. f Canton, 0 tolar teWnn,bd to Danro 'Umn,strength nnd deadly headlocks, havobten borno to tho floor by the Nebraska boy.Like Topsy, Joo Just "growed" Intowrestling. Joe's brother Lewis(I.lcut, Lewis J. Htocher), a graduatoof Annapolis, was a fair wrestler attho Academy, and another brother, 'cm arc on trial.Anton, Joe's flrst wrestling partner,nursed an ambition to establish himself In tho sport.And Joo has a slitter who is notfar behind her brothers In tho sclencoof catch-os-catch-can. It was backon the farm that Joo Icnrncd the.rudiments of wrestling. Anton, whorequired a wrestling partner, recruited brother Joe, who took to thosport like a landlord to a 60 per cent,rent increase Before muny weekshad passed, Anton found himself atthe bottom of tho hf Ap Inevitably.Then Joo began to apply himselfand dc.vclop. "Farmer" IlurnH, ugreat wrestler ot his time, took anInterest In Btocher and began tt systematic training for tho boy, touching him, among other things, tobreak boxos with Ills logs. Uurnbstrongly advocated tho "scissors" ason ciiscntlal weapon In cntch-as-catch-canwrestllng,.und us Btccher'sloir power Improved his Instructor IncrcaHed tho Blze and resisting forceof tlio lumber. To such nn extenthas ho developed this facility thatho can split a two-JbUBhcl sack ofgrain by pressing It between hisknees, nnd It Is even said that hocan hold an ordinary uutoinobllo witha ropo auacnod to one lc.I Htocher has a unique wuy of conditioning himself for his Importantcontents. En routo to the cltv inwhich ho Is to moot a contender, Joodrops off at the small towns anatnkes on tho "hopefuls," and ln thismanner collect o few moro dollarsami, what Is more essential, keepshimself In trim for his big matches.The formldablo strength of Stecher'spython-llko legs was Impressed upontho trpectators only recently when atthe end of threo hours "of the mostgrueinng wrestling he suddenlytwined them about Ed "Btrongler"Lowls and born him to tho muLLewis was unable to rlso withoutasRltrtanco. It may well bo said ofStrchor that his logs aro his fortune. Certainly his tltlo 1b necure.LIVE WIRESBy Neal R. O'HaraOerrrtant, IMt, er Tk Tnm PuslUdn Co., (Tne New lock Krmlnt Wert 4.)They can't call off Got. Edtvnnls on account of wet grounds.The new pltchlngtjrulcs haven't Interfered with AVulter Johnson's smokeThis year Waihincjton's got the same old ball club, but a brand newCabinet.What distinguishes the Cincics .from all other ?c is that none oThe Phillies can win or lose, but they can't draw.Not at tho box office.em haveYou'll find that riches und pitchers go together becuuae both ofv:ings.eA lot of training camp finds are now found in the lost column.e . . tWith tho Giants, Itoblns and Yanks, Now York has threo chuncea forthe pennant, or one moro chance than Philadelphia has for last place.When Edwards Is elected President,Hail, Hull, the Clang's All Here.'""Hall to tho Chief" wlll'be shifted toTHE IlEDS FIGURE THE PENNANT DItlVE IS A WALK.Marry Vardon at FiftyUpsets Age Limit in GolfEleven TeamsBowl; Only 3Medal WinnersThere were only three medal winnersi In The Evening World hcailuln tournament at the White Klephant bowllnsulleys last night, although eleven teamscompeted. Frank JJachman of the Cypres Howling Club waa high man with103; W. II. Erwlii with 103 and C. P.Smith with 102 followed. Colgate & Co.rolled high team score, 460.No games aro scheduled this evening.Play nill be resumed to-morrow night.SUMMARIES.Amtrlran Hallaar Kiprraa No. 1 Brattle. 76;Mrunnrr. 70: bratn, Ski ltaubrack, 40: IMrkelnaupt.Sli ttal. 300. American llalltiar Eirrtn No. 2.7irl?, 09; Itoomr. CI; SUM. 90: SUirrmin, SO,l'ccblta. 731 total. 331. AUanllo National It inkTlrdeman. 73; Zln, li) Johnson, 60; I.lttrll, CI;flinlth. 102: total. 357. Jlronx lilUon T. M. C. A.lltdncr. 00; Turned.. SS: Enrln. 103 ltcichard. 73;Wenncrjlrom, 02; to'al. I1C I):u TIcUm HchnUdt.7: llrrtsch, 40; 1. llrnnucr, OS: I'. Ilronnrr, 70:I total, 287. Ilcck Ensrarlns rnraiany No. C -llarrr.177; le. CO: Mrtlomi. 5u; llulhall. 50: Lamb. 12;total. 334; llloomfkld. N. S.r,. Jctttr.. S. stniw(17: J. A. Jcttrr. 45; Harrta. 87: illh. 77; total.MS. Ilwk I'usriilnj Co. No. I Ojary. 89; Hcblrd.C!t; I'.saii. 51; l)(dje. 03; (Irvcne, 89; toUl. 30.lipek iTai1ns Lo. No. 3 uarruu, 7a. Fauiwninwk. 7, Kikher. l; O'JIrlm. 7U Dnnt.. 'ist,.ial. 403. Coleate ft Co lyde. 05; Norman. 85:(Inmirnalil, 85; Kclli . 07; lleatberoood, 08; total, 4'ju; c iin'M .acurnan. lua; iiormng. nit(jimlili. 7: U.rkrn. 0.1, Mr-Arthur 8: total. 41Waller Hagen Likely to Encounter Stiffcst Opposition inBritish Championship FromSix Times Holder of EnglishTitle.jllfltlon it to rcoite a rurantM of 3,000, withfail opUoa of 35 per cent u the grow tmiilt.)KiJolur Dtindee, via fliti Joe WalUnt ofCbicwo in Uolra rountl tiuut at tie flnl onrnair toxioc aim of Um ksioo at Ccfiianijua, o.,erf Prtdir oljM. will kaia to-dajr for tUa UtCo., eroond. Johnny baa lm Mtu Into auditionat'SUUtua'a cmnaalicn and la in Cot feUle torUw contort.CaokcT O'aattr, th Ivt im tiantam ot ttaTH bat tWj a ttu of ploarlri. I wear T;I fl M.UH . . I 1, 1. .... ...low fklhU. Tlw fir will tak Uc at Uttttora, on April -rj. on jllr J at tb Star A. C.f cCJror: Mar 0 at Boston, and 11a 12 liatasUaa iSmi7 CgtUr at Al OtuJile'a 'Scnntoartob. Attar tfx taut JVfcer wit to Utrr avrttarn maUb alii FattUt Ourna. (iroridlncMK(WB WU4 HU lm tSfVM,Jimmy Twyfnril Stnire. Tloufa forAmrriean I.rKlim.Under the direction of Jimmy Twyford, tha flying squadron of boxers andwrestlcra put on a show for the American Loclon laat rilrlit t tv, lTr.lvNnmo cluli house, 07th Streot and Amsterdam Avenue.Thlity roumU of boxlncr nnd a wrt'st-ynf "out made up tlio proiTriitninp. Theiimiuwimk iiih encn noxul llvn round:I'ncKey o uutty. Jlmmv Murtln i.',miSummers, YmuiE Hcottiv .hinmv (-V.'r.V- ", Wnlkor, Corona Kid. VouncHlelly, Walter llrooks nnd Joo Sharkeylounn Muiduy and I'cte Wiley ryrohtied twenty minutes to u draw. JimMurray was master of ceremonies...MtnaUy Wlilpn (Ireen,MONTOIUU April 20. IlattlliiR l,tvln'sky, Hunt heavywelslit champion,defeated Silas Orein In a ten.roumlconteit at the Iteiral I. A. C. flreen.wlio Is a clever, shifty ncsro, madu agood battle for the tlrst few rounds:after that he was a name punchlnc bairfor the clever llebrow. Ivlnaky surprised the fans here by showlnc thorna hard rleht hand awliiR that he usedwith ttolllnir effect, havliie Green daredon the vento ot a knockout during thelast two rounds.By William Abbott.THERE la constant stretching oftho ace limit In jrolf. Munygoircrs oniy ucgin uj kui b""1'nftcr nn nRo when stars In mororacking uports aro forced to the sidelines. English golf Is notable forveteran champions, Harry nenrly fifty years old, looms upon the most dangerous propositionWalter llnircn will encounter In thoHrltish open championship in Juno.Thoro Isn't wastwl cnerrry ln Vurdon's frnme. Tho slx-timr-s Britishtltlo holder, Instead of trylnsr to killtiro ball on each shot, is satisfied f:irIcfH distance nnd moro dlrtfetlon.Tills physical saving Is rnrnlnfr extradividends, as Vardon Is still perchedon tbo rjolflnr; pinnacle, while Jnmesllrald and J. II. Taylor, two otherfamous llrltiflh veU;run3, are bejrln-nlng to Blow up.The ancient Kcotch pastime Is stilla young sport In tho United StatesWe havo only a fow prominent oldsters, tho most prominent bains Walter J. Travis, Who didn't swing clubsuntil ho waa thlrto'-flve, and thennearly twenty years later won thoMetropolitan Championship at Apa-warols.olf leaders havo awakened" to thoimportance of dr-volotilnir junior play-rs. Something new in tho way of' kiu rolf mutches has been stitrlcub' A. (J. Wllih' and Jack Leona'id, twoJunior stars of the miockamaxon Clubat wesitifiu, .. j. iiiiH pair oiembryo champions has a series offour-ball matches with tlio leadingJunior rimers of the metropolitan dlstiict. These matclics will uo run onln May und June nnd should bo productlvo of high class golf.iThu public I'nks at Van CortlandtI'urk will lie officially opened Baturday, ono week earlier than usual. Bystarting time something like 2,500season permits will havo been issued,which In rather remarkable as toolit tin tas now cost $5, when only afew years ago thoy caul I be had fori slnglo Iron man. All availablelooker room has already been subscribed for. Moro golf should boplayed over tho two municipal coursesthis year than ever before.Folks who had Mike, tho wild- 'cat. on their score sheets as adud mascot were Justly inclinedto rescind their hasty judgmentslast nlrjht. And I'm told thatMike celebrated the birth of VictoiV by emsrging from his hidingplace of disgrace under the grandstand and chasing Casey Stengelall the way to his hotel where hespiked him with all four feet. Itis probably only n rumor. Everybody picks on Casey anyway. Ikind of like the nut. I like 'emwhen they talk guffy to the pitcher, growl at the catcher, groanat the umpire and are willing anyinning to argue it out With thegrandstand. ,Puts fireworks into the goodold game. And the gamble is aroyal against a deuce highstraight that that kind of aplayer isn't in the game just forhis cakes alone.Good boy, Catoy. Go on panning pitchers, catchers and limpsevery time you fap out. And inthis series with the Giants do usthe favor to go right on fanningout. Not that we love you less,Casey, me boy. but just now weare bunching our sympathy hitsin behalf of Little Ole Mac.Jess Barnes spent a very pleasantafternoon, nil but shutting the Quakers out. Vor the sins of Boston jiomade Philadelphia answer. Not thatho put ln what you could call an easyafternoon. They gyil him for sevenhits, two more than the Cllants ekedout of their old playmate, Cecil Algernon Causey. Bight up to tho lastout of tho ninth inning Jess hadtrouble on his hands. It was one ofthf most inerr-stlng ninth Inningsthat a gamcould furnish. The scorestood then Giants 2, Phillies 1.Quaker Williams, first up. beat outa slow roller to Fletcher. Casey Stengel jousted the globule down tho firstplaco line and chased ahead of it. ButMcCarthy, catching for tho O-ionfs,showed class in speed nnd got tho ballln time to slap It to Kelly md croakStengel. But Williams, of course,made second. , Barnes exerted hiswing to such good effect thnt hefanned Muosol. But next up was"Bevo." That's a name the fans haveput on him. His legal monicker isja Bourveau. Ho Is a new boy in thebig league. And yesterday at thismoment the loyal Giant rooters regarded him most uneasily, lie hadalready smacked Barnesy for twolong, clean hits. It ho did it again, Itwould send Williams homo and tiethe scorn.It took nearly flyo minutes to dlsposo of Bevo. And it seemed fullyhalf an hour. Tho suspense was sogreat a doctor had to bo sent for because a small boy In tho tblcachcrsthrew a fit,Tho strain was caused by tho manyindlcationsthat Bevo would probablyend up with a Big Bertha Into thograndstand. Kor ho clouted out nlnofouls. Two of them hit tho fence justtho wrong jiltlo of tho foul lino forhim. One went Into tho grandstand.Two went over tho blooming stand."Gee!" said wo all of us. "If thatbird ever straightens ono of them!"And then:"Strike three!"Thrice welcome words, O ump!Behold us out of the basement.l'rom the swatstlck angle Young,H. v., was the hero of tho day. Howas thofconly Giant to get two hitsand they were goldarned Importanthits. THey wero the bacon finders.It was ln jtho third ho flashed hisfirst gem. Gonzales had struck outbut Barnes boosted his own gamewith a neat slnglo to centre. Barnesscooted to second while the Phllllo'sfirst sacker was having all ho coulddo handling Burns's crack" at him.Then Young's but rung as ho stunga low curve into centre. Barnesshook a hot foot and crossed theplate several seconds boforo Youngsuccumbed at second. ,Mr. Young took up tho offensiveagain in tho fifth inning nnd broughtJoy to all and Mike out ot Bhametulhiding as a mascot.Again Gonzales was first at bat.This time ho walked. Barnes senthim to second with a protty sacrificegrounder to It. Miller at third. Paulette made a sensational run nearly tosecond in a successful effort to pounceon what looked llko a hit for Bums.Causey mathr first on a deal! run.getting the ball Just as ho crossed thobag ahead of Burns. But Gonzaleshud, during this joust, wisely wendedhis way to third. Mr. Young clippedtho bulb into right a precise :epontcr of his third inning hit. Andwith tho same happy result. Gonzales was home with the second andwinning tally.The Quakors' most hopeful spurton behalf of tho contest came in theseventh Inning when they got all theywero going to get for tho wholo day.Williams put over the hot hit of thegame i clout to tho bleachers utright centre that won him a tripleBut Casey Stengel only whaled withhis bat and their went back to thodugout bewailing his luck.dbints V). 3.50 r.M.Clmnrr ril Ilrown Ilo Faat alrikw,PHAr)l:PIA., Anrll :0.-.Before acapacity crowd at tlio Olympic Club ofinis eiiy narry "luci jirown, Philadelphia's beat fuatherwdKht, and V on nitAndy Chancy of Baltimore fought siteerwatlimul rounds to ah e'en break.HliiKclile critics clnlm It was tho greatest fight aeon hero In years.IlrliiM Units lMIUIiiKtnn,THRNTO.V. N. J, April '20. HarveyBright, tha Brooklyn high school bov,won over Charley Pilklngton In a fiiRtmight round wind up at tho TrentonAthletic Club last rileht. Bright wasStflfiA Ttu ftoiiimftt Adou I& fiiUj (aft iKUn, tog i:eBt sad urrcbulvfl Car. I'lUOajlca.Illgrh prices, lhlvor troubles nndncarclty of materials failed to styrnioIho'Knollwood Club carrying out Itsbuilding programme. Work has already ntarted m a now wing for tlioclub houao, which will replace thobuilding destroyed by lire last October. Tho now addition will bo threestorlefl and bfinement. Tho nowstructure will too strictly up to datein evory particular and should bocompleted by Soptcrrtbor.Any movo to foster tho development of young players shr nld meetwith hearty crtcouiugrancnt. ln tinsdirection golf olllcinls havo not beenas progressive as tennis authorities,who havo performed wonders bringing out young talent.1Ii1"Easy come, easy go"- "Hardcome, hard go." Whatever yournature you're safe in Par-amountShops.One price and one policy to a7.For real value, Par-amountShirts, $2.00 and $2.50. Same witheverything we sell. Satisfactionguaranteed or money refunded.PAR-AMOUNTSHIRSHOPS' Eithl Ntu Vori Shp$One in VonlWa111la Uu lust l ougn, how.evivr, tnUM xaxexmr, ttwsjmiit,im1AMImmVAf000wlit IftIf-lal1 17E01V.ImmO L LA. IV S"?7rHEN you buy an Arrow you get the best?rr that there is at the price you are asked topay. .That is th.cone big fundamental reason forth"e preference shown for.Arrows,,Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Troy Ni KMakers f jirriw Shirts and Gotham Underwear '0ITom1ifj1-i-r-121J-rfer1 1 1 11 1 u 1 1 tt 2ff7e9595c

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