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Krause Food The Nutrition Care Process 13th Edition PDF: A Must-Have for Students and Professionals


A trusted classic for over 50 years, Krause s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 14th Edition presents the most cutting-edge and up-to-date dietetics content available in this ever-changing field. Nicknamed the "nutrition bible", students and practitioners alike turn to its current, comprehensive content, engaging pedagogy and design, and logical presentation of information. This new edition includes the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, more visuals, and highlighted Clinical Case Studies, Clinical Insights, and Clinical Applications boxes that help translate scientific knowledge into practical patient care. Written by nearly 50 nationally recognized writers, researchers, and practitioners, it covers nutrition assessment and intervention, the nutritional needs of individuals in different stages of the life cycle, nutrition for health and fitness, and medical nutrition therapy.

The immune system, and thus our resistance to disease, is affected by nutrition in various ways. Nutritional deficiencies are known to impair the immune response, and increase the incidence and severity of infectious diseases including tuberculosis and HIV. Food is responsible for many allergies, especially in children. The process of atherosclerosis is exacerbated by inflammatory cytokines, which can be produced in response to nutritional factors.

krause food the nutrition care process 13th edition pdf

Adequate nutrition in infancy is essential for growth and development. In term babies born to well-nourished mothers, breast milk can supply all the energy and nutrients needed for the first 6 mo of life (with the exception of vitamin D). The benefits of breastfeeding in relation to infant and long-term health, as well as the optimal duration of the breastfeeding period, will be emphasized. Furthermore, the recommendations on infant nutrition, including the introduction of complementary food and the composition of the diet throughout the first year of life will be discussed in detail. Nutritionists have long recognized the importance of establishing healthful nutrition practices during childhood and early adolescence. Diet patterns adopted during these prime developmental years set the stage for life-long habits that can mean the difference between vitality and infirmity in later years. Data about eating habits among Norwegian children and adolescents and tracking of eating habits from adolescent into adulthood will be presented and discussed.

While nutrition in the elderly can be justified as a distinct topic, it is important to recognise that they are an extremely heterogeneous group, ranging from fit and active to geriatric, and their nutritional needs vary accordingly. Under- and malnutrition are not uncommon, and can be the result of physical, psychological and social factors. Practice as a nutritionist/dietitian in nursing homes and home care services have particular challenges; the provision of adequate nutrition is rooted in Norwegian law.

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